Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It was very interesting looking at the examples of wikis in this assignment. They showed the versatility of a wiki and how differently they can be used.

The Bull Run wiki is a great example of how a library is putting their information out there. The RCPL Flood wiki was a great use of a wiki to gather personal stories and pictures of a certain event - anyone can post their information for others to read. It contains great historical information that is probably not available anywhere else.

Our library started a wiki this summer when we were going thru the process of combining our reference and circulation desks. We used it to post all of the minutes of meetings, a to-do list of items to be accomplished and discussion threads.

Now that the desks have been merged we are using it as a central location to post items that people need to know as they are working their shifts at the desk. It is a private wiki but is open to everyone in library so that everyone can contribute or read the posted items.


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